Structural Health Monitoring for Aircraft Components
Logistik & Transport
(ddp direct) Aviation is becoming more environmentally friendly: Innovative technologies are used to reduce fuel consumption, pollutant emissions and noise. For this purpose, Fraunhofer researchers are developing novel fuselage structures with structure-integrated functions, within the framework of the EU project "Clean Sky". The panels on display contain several sensors for the monitoring of structures; among others, acoustic sensors are applied and optical strain sensors are integrated in the panel.
Developing, manufacturing and testing prototypes made of composite fiber materials, also involving special technologies such as sensor function integration, is one of the domains of Fraunhofer LBF. In the case of the exhibits, the development chain included the design of the structure with the help of the finite-elements method (FEM), detailed construction and creation of drawings by means of CAD, the construction of forming tools and clamping devices as well as prototype manufacturing of the panels with structure-integrated fiber-optical strain sensors and sensors for impact damage detection.
Fraunhofer LBF develops new connector solution
For the first time, an innovative connector system for fiber-optical sensors integrated in composite fiber materials, developed at Fraunhofer LBF, was implemented in a production process that came very close to series production. The panels were tested by non-destructive methods including lock-in thermography, ultrasonic and x-ray technology, as well as by destructive impact, fatigue and residual strength testing.
At the trade fair stand, Fraunhofer's engineers will show a tested and an undamaged panel. The fully functional exhibit allows visitors to try and see for themselves how the fiber-optical strain sensors react to the load to which the panel is subjected and how this is represented graphically on the screen.
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=== CFRP panel in a test stand at Fraunhofer LBF. (Bild) ===
CFRP-Panel with integrated sensors, manufactured at Fraunhofer LBF.
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StructuralhealthMonitoring aircraftindustry safety reliability lightweigthstructures fiber-opticalstrainsensors ptotypmanufacturing panel
Fraunhofer-Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit und Systemzuverlässigkeit LBF
Bartningstr. 47 64289 Darmstadt
Fraunhofer-Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit und Systemzuverlässigkeit LBF
Bartningstr. 47 64289 Darmstadt
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