Pressemitteilung von Diana Ramus

Westernacher Consulting Premium Sponsor at International SAP® Conference for Travel and Transportation 2014 - Global Operational Excellence for Logist

Logistik & Transport

In today"s ever-evolving and highly competitive marketplace, to be successful you need to rapidly respond to your customer"s ever increasing demands, constantly re-invent your product and service offerings, and also adhere to regulatory changes, address operational challenges and meet sustainability demands.

At this event, you will learn first-hand how SAP can support the specific business requirements of Logistic Service Providers, Freight Forwarders, Liner Shipping Companies, Railways, Airlines, Passenger Transportation Companies, etc.

On April 3 all visitors of the conference are invited to join the 90-minutes information forum starting at 1:45 pm and moderated by Dennis Bisschops from Westernacher Consulting. Westernacher will point out "Why Operational Excellence matters" in outlining today"s market demands. Furthermore Kristjan Thor Hallbjornsson, CIO from Eimskip will present the key requirements for a Best Fit IT solution in the field of contract logistics. According SAP TM (Transportation Management) demos will be performed by Felix Obst, Senior Consultant from Westernacher, to give an insight in practice. The discussion "The Moment of Truth" will complete the forum session, revealing the hurdles in companies that prevent to achieve operational excellence. Furthermore any questions will be answered individually by Westernacher Consulting on-site at its booth.

The International SAP Conference for Travel and Transportation is an informative event where knowledge will be expanded on how technology solutions can be used to better serve customers.

Date: 2nd - 3rd April, 2014
Venue: Rhein-Neckar-Arena, Dietmar-Hopp-Straße 1, 74889 Sinsheim, Germany

More information and registration:

Bildrechte: TA Cook / SAP
sap westernacher logistics service providers exchange supply chain management scm consulting travel transportation tm sinsheim conference eimskip contract logistics best fit solution sap tm
Westernacher Business Management Consulting AG
Münchäckerweg 1 69168 Wiesloch

Westernacher Business Management Consulting AG
Münchäckerweg 1 69168 Wiesloch

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