Pressemitteilung von David Lee

Trading / bartering my way up to a school bus with a 88 piece vintage china dish set! And my first post!

Mode, Trends & Lifestyle

Read on on how I will trade my way up to a used school bus to convert into a skoolie to live a bus life and digital nomad lifestyle. (

Trading / Bartering for a School bus & First Post!

You read that title right! Most folks that know me personally know that I have a dream of converting a school bus into a livable tiny house on wheels (Skoolie) and travel the U.S. with my daughter and ex wife (Yes it's complicated I know). Well, I am able to make ends meet with what I do and not hurting. I do side jobs and also a reseller. I buy stuff at low cost and resell them for what they are worth. I also have made a little income doing websites and other online related gigs and that is what will be my income while living over the road. A Digital Nomad is the term for what I dream of becoming. And not only the lifestyle is what I am driven for but, doesn't it just sound.... Bad Ass? lol Anyhow, Let's get on to this journey.
Visited some friends and the idea hit me

I went to go visit my best friends across the river in West Virginia tonight and they know that I buy and sell stuff to make money. These wonderful folks have ALWAYS been there for me during rough times as they promised my mother before she died that they would. They were my mothers best friends as well when she was alive. So, I was there tonight and the ask me if I wanted some china dishes so I could sell them. I said sure thing! I load this 88 piece vintage china ware into my car, visited a little longer and headed home. I didn't really want to deal with shipping these things out as they are just too fragile. So on my way home it hit me. It popped in my head about this young man that traded a red paper clip all the way to a house back in around 2006 I think. And right now on Tik Tok and YouTube there is this young lady trading a bobby pin up to a house. She's getting there. So yeah I am on my way home and I am all by myself and I say out loud "I'M GOING TO TRADE THESE DISHES ALL THE WAY UP TO A BUS" and turn it into something folks can follow on my social accounts, YouTube and Tik Tok! It can be fun even if it didn't work out. But I am staying positive and telling myself that it's going to work!

Immediately got started

I got home and setup the china for some pictures and video for me to edit for YouTube, Tik Tok & social accounts. Then I got online and started emailing websites that sell school buses to ask them if they would entertain any type of traded and if so, what would they be interested in. And then I went on to tell them my story as I would be mentioning them a good bit throughout my videos and accounts. I did state that just because I am going to bring them some attention that I am not looking to trade a beat up Buick for a $15,000 pusher. I am simply asking if they would entertain a trade and what they would have interest in. All my videos about this journey will have a little cut of viewing their website at the beginning in the intro so it will bring attention and hopefully bring them some buyers because of it. But I am looking to do some good trades while I share it to the world. If you want it bad enough you have to go for it!

Do you sell school buses?

It will take some time to work my way up to trading for a school bus and it may even take some time to find a dealer that will entertain a trade. So if you are a school bus dealer that would entertain a trade I will put my email here for you to contact me. Please do not use the contact form on this site to message me yet as I have to configure the servers IP # and hostname with reverse DNS so that my emails stop going into spam like it is now. Please put in your email what kind of things you would be interested in such as cars, motorcycles, multiple items of near equal or more etc. I will get there as I am not giving up!

I am interested in a pusher with around 13 rows, Cummins (Preferred), Detroit or a Cat (Least). Half decent tires and running. There will be three of us that will be traveling in the bus. My daughter and ex wife will just be going on trips but I will be living full time in it. So I need to have the room for my daughters bed as well. I will also be having an office area where I will be working for income so having a lengthy bus is important. I do have a CDL so it will not be hard for me to drive a longer bus but I do not need anything longer than 14 row but can work with it.

<a href="">Click Here To Email Me At</a>

Growing my follower base on all social media accounts

One thing by doing this is that it will definitely help populate my social media followers and YouTube subscribers. Having a strong follow base will help bring in income by brands that wish to sponsor you. This can happen in different ways. A couple ways goes along with monetizing your blog if you have one. A "Sponsored Post" on a busy blog can cost enough to fill your tank a few times and then some if you can prove you have the traffic. There are so many ways to being sponsored and one I really look forward to is reviewing products and then having a giveaway with it after. If you have a huge follow base you can get paid to review that product and even receive a few products to give away. This tactic is very popular in the Digital Nomad lifestyle. What I am getting to is by doing this I think will end up with a boost of followers across all accounts that I can share my life with while converting into a Skoolie, reviewing tools, reviewing items that is being installed on the bus, going on our first trip and about our lifestyle from there on. I can not wait!

How many trades do you think it will take?

So to end this I am now going to go edit my videos for Tik Tok & YouTube and then get everything posted on my other accounts.

Please leave a comment below on how many trades do you think it will take to get to a bus?


Thanks for stopping by to read my first post and if you got this far then I see your interested. So please look to the top right of the page and click on my social media accounts and please follow. You won't be let down once I start the content! Well, thats all I have right now. Soon I will have a newsletter you can subscribe to so that you can receive instant updates and more.



bus life buslife skoolie conversion digital nomad nomad tiny living
1516 Guernsey Street 0 43906 Bellaire

1516 Guernsey Street 1 43906 Bellaire

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