Shaping the future of agriculture: Farmers Future and the vision of sustainability and innovation
Unternehmen, Wirtschaft & Finanzen

A Change in the Agricultural Landscape
Over the past decades, the agricultural sector has undergone profound changes. While small family farms are increasingly disappearing, large, capital-intensive industrial farms flourish. In 2013, the European Union recorded about 10.8 million agricultural holdings, of which 59.8 percent had a standard output of more than 2,000 EUR. Despite this seemingly large number, the reality is that fewer farmers are cultivating larger areas, leading to a loss of agricultural diversity and sustainability.
Profitability and Sustainability Hand in Hand - 22 Percent Return in 2023
Partnering with Farmers Future not only allows for a positive impact on the environment and society but also achieves attractive returns. "The last success was a 22 percent return for Farmers Future partners," Erik Simon is pleased to announce. Farmers Future projects aim to improve the efficiency of resource use, reduce waste, and increase global food supply. By combining capital, innovation, and knowledge, Farmers Future supports sustainable projects that are both ecologically and economically beneficial.
Farmers Future: A Vision of Sustainability and Innovation
Erik Simon, an expert with global experience in the banking and economic sector, founded Farmers Future to counteract this worrying development. Offering farm sponsorships and participating in sustainable projects in the global agricultural sector, Farmers Future aims to promote a more sustainable and fair agriculture worldwide. The initiative seeks to equip young, passionate people with the necessary skills and opportunities to be successful in the agricultural industry and to effect positive changes in their communities.
Challenges and Solutions in Agriculture
The current challenges in agriculture are diverse and complex. Agriculture faces the challenge of adapting to a rapidly changing world where water management and the development of new soil management strategies are crucial. Considering limited resources and the need for more sustainable practices, farmers must pursue innovative approaches in plant breeding that produce more robust varieties while integrating new cultivation and breeding methods. Climate change exacerbates this urgency, requiring adjustments in crop rotation and more efficient use of resources to meet changing environmental conditions.
Erik Simon notes that these adjustments inevitably come with a growing need for investment to make agricultural practices climate-resistant while simultaneously increasing productivity and sustainability. "Future agriculture requires innovations that boost energy efficiency, thus mitigating the impact of high energy costs on agricultural calculations," says Simon. Technological advances in manure spreading techniques, which improve both efficiency and environmental protection, are at the forefront of interest. Smart Farming and Precision Farming technologies are becoming increasingly important as they offer a response to rising costs through optimized use of resources. With stricter regulations in place, the focus is more on efficient and targeted use of inputs and resources. Moreover, mechanical plant protection is gaining importance by supplementing or replacing chemical methods, allowing for a more sustainable and precise cultivation strategy.
Transparency, Diversity, and Impact
Farmers Future places great importance on transparency, diversity, and impact. Partners receive detailed information and regular updates on joint projects covering a wide range of interests and goals. Each project contributes to a more sustainable and fair world, enabling partners to invest in the future of agriculture and their financial development.
In an era where sustainability and responsible action are becoming increasingly important, Farmers Future represents a pioneering initiative that not only transforms the agricultural landscape but also provides economic opportunities for its partners. Under the leadership of Erik Simon and Enhanced Finance Solutions CY Ltd., Farmers Future has the potential to usher in a new era of agriculture - one in harmony with our planet and for the benefit of future generations.
About the author:
Viktoria, a successful graduate in Health Economics with a focus on Hospital and Pharmacy Management, has interests in Nutritional Sciences, Public Health, and the digital development in the health industry. Her blog,, offers numerous topics on health and Corporate Health Management. In the area of personnel development, she gathers experiences for the change in digital transformation.
(Die Bildrechte liegen bei dem Verfasser der Mitteilung.)
Farmers Future
Nikos Nikolaidis 19
8010 Paphos
Farmers Future
Nikos Nikolaidis 19
8010 Paphos
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