Pressemitteilung von Michael Pester

A Munich company finds the way to Hamburg! A1 Wohnheime GmbH - Affordable accommodation soon in Hamburg too!

Unternehmen, Wirtschaft & Finanzen

A1 Wohnheime GmbH is on an expansion curve! A new house will be opened in Hamburg/Barsbüttel in the spring of 2011. A1 Wohnheime GmbH will then also provide inexpensive accommodation in Hamburg!
The renovation work is fully underway and after the opening in the spring of 2011 our customers will be able to enjoy beautiful, newly refurbished rooms with multiple beds. The sanitary facilities for communal use in all hallways are fully sanitised and updated! And a newly decorated lounge provides the necessary cosiness!
That also applies to Hamburg too of course: A1 - you stay at low prices here!
We will keep you informed on the progress of our new Boarding house Hamburg/Barsbüttel on our website - visit us often! For the opening you will find attractive, low-price accommodation offers here!
You can find updated info on inexpensive accommodation facilities in the apartments, hostels and boarding houses of A1 Wohnheime GmbH in Munich and Nuremberg on the internet on or on 089 / 2000 159 0. A1 Wohnheime GmbH offers special conditions for booking of larger contingents or for a longer period.
Hamburg accomodation boarding house cheap sleep bed room inexpensive Barsbüttel
A1 Wohnheime GmbH
Untersbergstr. 68-72 81539 München

A1 Wohnheime GmbH
Untersbergstr. 68-72 81539 München

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