K 2013: Powder Metallurgy meets Plastic Materials
Wissenschaft, Forschung & Technik
Radevormwald, September 4th, 2013
GKN Sinter Metals participates in the K2013 trade fair with a broad range of innovative PM products. Sinter technology delivers optimal solutions for cost effective manufacturing of components of any size and shape: Precision without secondary work, and all products are thermally conductive and recyclable. The applied material combinations cannot be generated in molten metal processes. Secondary operations and combinations with rubber or thermosetting plastic materials are possible without any problems.
The raw material consists of alloyed or engineered elemental metal powder mixed to the defined combination and compacted in a closed die under pressures from 400 up to 800 MPa. The powder particles are cold welded at their contact points. Now being a "green" compact the component is ready for further processing. Its mechanical strength is achieved in the subsequent sintering process where it is heated to a temperature just below the melting temperature of the main material element. The component"s shape remains unchanged. Calibration ensures dimensional accuracy and excellent surface quality. High-load components are forged at high temperatures. The component is now ready for installation.
The manufacturing process may optionally be completed by secondary operations such as joining, mechanical machining, heat or surface treatment.
One of the main commercial benefits of the powder metallurgy technology lies in the utilisation of material which is almost 100 per cent, i.e. there is no waste as in mechanical production. A great number of manufacturing options is available to meet specific customer requirements. The properties of the material may largely be adapted to the component"s functionality. The higher the demands on material properties and dimensional tolerances and the higher the volume, the more profitable is sinter technology.
The applied processes vary subject to the different forming processes involved:
Powder metal filter components are mostly made of bronze or stainless steel. The manufacturing process allows to generate pores of a defined size to achieve the required filtering properties.
Self-lubricating PM bearings are available as cylindrical, flanged, double and spherical bearings. This range is completed by special design bearings for customer specific applications. Bronze proves the most appropriate sinter material as the bearings" properties are definable by the precisely pre-set density of this material. The given porous volume operates as lubricant reservoir. Working temperatures within the bearings between -65 up to +200 °C are safely managed.
Powder metallurgy components allow manufacture of highly complex geometries such as internal and external teeth, threaded bores and blind holes or even openings with counterbore and shoulder in one single forming operation.
Highest density and strength is achieved by powder forging at high temperatures. Unlike the conventional forging process, powder forging does not require any subsequent deburring operation.
Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) is an exceptional process based on plastic injection technology and allowing free geometries. The metal powder is blended with a high portion of polymeres. These plastic particles evaporate during the sintering process of the green part, resulting in a high-strength component.
Sintered soft magnetic products are utilized in alternating current applications up to 50 Hertz for electric motors. Their biggest advantage is a three-dimensional magnetic flux in addition to a high mechanical and thermal reliability.
The properties of the final components can be further optimized by secondary operations including any common mechanical manufacturing process. The entire component, or sections thereof, can also be heat treated to achieve specific properties. Accuracy of shape is further enhanced by a rolling operation which maintains the basic powder metal structure of the component but effects a completely densified, high-strength surface.
Please visit http://www.gknsintermetals.com for latest information on all products.
Visit GKN Sinter Metals in hall 07.2, booth C 27 at the K 2013.
Bildrechte: GKN Sinter Metals GmbH
GKN Sinter Metals sintering process powder metallurgical products utilisation of material cold welding dimensional accuracy surface quality.
GKN Sinter Metals Engineering GmbH
Krebsöge 10 42477 Radevormwald
GKN Sinter Metals Engineering GmbH
Krebsöge 10 42477 Radevormwald
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