Pressemitteilung von Alexander Tindl

Great success on the Chinese wind market: fos4X wins CSIC Haizhuang Windpower as its newest customer

Umwelt & Energie

(Mynewsdesk) Beijing, July 2019 – the Chinese turbine manufacturer CSIC Haizhuang Windpower is the first series customer of the Chinese subsidiary fos4X to equip all 47 turbines of its wind farm in Xinji-ang with fos4X blade load monitoring systems (Turbine Load Control - TLC).

A milestone project for fos4X in ChinaThis order includes turbine load control systems for all 47 2.X MW turbines of a wind farm to control and reduce loads. In addition, two evaluation systems will be provided to analyse the added value of the system. Delivery will take place in July and August 2019 to the wind farm located in Xinjiang, Western China, which is expected to be fully installed and commissioned in September 2019.

“This project is a milestone project for fos4X in China, representing first series integration project in China. It’s a big move forward for fos4X in China wind market since its subsidiary company setup in China in 2018. ”

Says Kai Zhang, fos4X Wind Power Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

About CSIC Haizhuang WindpowerCSIC Haizhuang Windpower was founded in 2004, as a subsidiary of the China government owned company China Shipbuilding Industry Co. (CSIC). As a global shipbuilding giant, CSIC built up a complete supply chain from wind turbine OEM, gearboxes, generators and blades as well as towers for the wind industry, placing the wind business, especially offshore wind energy, at the centre of its future activities. CSIC Haizhuang Windpower is one of the largest wind turbine manufacturers in China and has delivered around 3.8 GW of wind turbines over the last three years.

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