Pressemitteilung von greenValue GmbH .

Focus on overall sustainability: greenValue GmbH

Umwelt & Energie

Focus on overall sustainability: greenValue GmbHFurthermore the company is ahead of its time as concerns internal processes, all of which have already been digitized, as the Managing Director Kellermann focuses on sustainability down to the last detail.

The world is changing, and the tasks are more urgent than ever: we need to put an end to the dependence on fossil fuels, save resources and protect habitats. Thats the only way to put a modern society on a sustainable and future-orientated path. The objectives of the German government for a sustainable energy supply with reduced CO2 emissions are ambitious. For example, the share of renewable energy in power production should be increased to 80% by 2030. The National Hydrogen Strategy will establish green hydrogen as an alternative energy source, which is another important pillar for a sustainable energy supply.

There is quite a lot of challenges for today's economy. "We're proud of having pushed energy transition through our projects fort he last 20 years", says Daniel Kellermann, Founder and Managing Director of greenValue GmbH. "The leading role of sustainability is not limited to the selection of projects in the field of renewable energies. By almost completely digitizing our office, the paper consumption was reduced by approximately 98 percent within four years. The Sustainability report in its second edition which highlights the main aspects of the measures taken by greenValue can be considered as exemplary. A guideline which certainly would apply to other companies. "By moving to downtown Nuremberg, the office is easily to reach by public transport", Kellermann adds. "The combination of remote working and office work makes contemporary working possible, to the advantage of our employees, young and skilled professionals. We offer those interested a diversified working place with continuous growth the offers the staff the opportunity to take an active part in the shaping the future of a sustainable energy."

As an Information and Consulting company, greenValue fulfills contract initiation and negotiation services. Furthermore, greenValue takes responsibility for process coordination during project implementation and acts as a link between investors and project planners. "Right now, we are conducting three ground-breaking projects. In the framework of a Real Lab for the Energy Transition, we were able to bring forward a project for our partner in which green hydrogen is generated by wind power. An existing natural gas pipeline will be rededicated to hydrogen transport to enable the industrial use of hydrogen. Another exciting project is our participation in the development of a plant to liquefy bio natural gas which uses differences in pressure in the gas grid to generate electricity and utilizes waste heat. Furthermore, we are involved in sub-projects for the generation of biogas or biomethane from the fermentation of biowaste.

greenValue has implemented a Quality Management System according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 to ensure the quality of the services provided. The certification is done yearly, last in September 2022. The certification contributes to professional and transparent cooperation. Therefore, it's not surprising why greenValue has developed into a reliable partner for utility companies and institutional investors in the recent years. "We are convinced about renewable energies offering solid investment opportunities and play an important role in sustainable development," Kellermann concludes.

Further Information under:

greenValue; wind power; photovoltaic; RNG; biomethane; biowaste; green hydrogen; liquid RNG

greenValue GmbH .
Herr Daniel Kellermann
Zeltnerstraße 3
90443 Nürnberg

fon ..: +49 911 - 50 71 66 0
web ..:
email :


Frau Christa Jäger-Schrödl
Vogelbuck 11
91601 Dombühl - Kloster Sulz

fon ..: 0171-5018438
web ..:
email :

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