Pressemitteilung von Klaudia Künnemann

EUROSTUDENT IV Student Life in Europe

Bildung, Karriere & Schulungen

The thematic design of this report reflects a lifelong learning student"s course of study, from transition into higher education to a forecast on future studies. It concentrates on 3 main topic areas: access to higher education and the organisation of studies, students" resources and expenses as well as international student mobility.

The Synopsis of Indicators intends to contribute to the ongoing process of establishing a European-wide monitoring infrastructure on the social dimension of higher education, thereby inspiring policy debates and further research in the field.

Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe
Synopsis of indicators|Final Report|Eurostudent IV|2008-2011
W. Bertelsmann Verlag, Bielefeld 2011
225 Seiten, EUR 49,90( D)/84,- SFr
Bestell-Nr. 6001920a
ISBN 978-3-7639-4869-7
ISBN E-Book: 978-3-7639-4870-3
students higher education education students
W. Bertelsmann Verlag
Auf dem Esch 4 33619 Bielefeld

W. Bertelsmann Verlag
Auf dem Esch 4 33619 Bielefeld

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